Gridded historical Okanagan climate data (updated)
Description:This dataset provides an update to previous gridded climate datasets for the Okanagan. It was generated through combination of the NRCcanMET dataset and ClimateBC 500m monthly climatological data, using the method of Sobie and Murdock, 2017.
A summary report is available via OBWB. Datasets are self-documented via netCDF attributes.
Last Updated: 2019 |
Primary Developer: OBWB |
Timeframe: 1950 to 2017 Spatial Resolution: 500m Temporal Resolution: daily Spatial Extent: Okanagan Basin and surrounding region |
Climate Parameters:
36 GB/netCDF*
(*data available in subsets of full volume) GB=gigabyte TB=terabyte Usage:
Okanagan Hydrological Modelling Project (in progress)