USA-centered “quasi-warming” climate model data
Description:This dataset is from a high resolution climate change simulation that permits convection and resolves mesoscale orography at 4 km grid spacing over much of North America using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Two 13 years simulations were performed, consisting of a retrospective simulation (October 2000 to September 2013) with initial and boundary conditions from ERA-Interim and a future climate sensitivity simulation with initial and boundary conditions derived from reanalysis and modified by adding the CMIP5 ensemble mean of the high emission scenario climate change.
A detailed desription and validation of this dataset is available at:
Last Updated: 2017 |
Primary Developer: NSF-USA |
Timeframe: 2000 to 2013 Spatial Resolution: 4km Temporal Resolution: hourly Spatial Extent: Southern Canada, continental United States |
Climate Parameters:
192 TB/netCDF*
(*data available in subsets of full volume) GB=gigabyte TB=terabyte Usage: